Rock-Fort about the TakeAway Tool of Little Restaurant

Last year the website of Rock-Fort was updated and this year their restaurant software, Little Restaurant, also received an update. Stardekk recently launched their TakeAway Tool, an extra feature in Little Restaurant. Are you curious of what Rock-Fort thinks of this module?

December 20, 2018

Rock-Fort is a cosy restaurant in the historic centre of Bruges where you can enjoy delicious food and smooth service.

The fact that Rock-Fort is doing well is not only reflected in the positive reviews about tasty dishes and friendly service on their Facebook page. Their investment in online restaurant software also shows an ambitious and targeted approach.

Last year the website was updated and this year their restaurant software, Little Restaurant, also received an update. Stardekk recently launched their TakeAway Tool, an extra feature in Little Restaurant. Are you curious of what Rock-Fort thinks of this module?

"Stardekk listens to the needs of our restaurant, a great beginning of a good partnership."

Peter, Rock-Fort

Why did your restaurant need a TakeAway module?

We wanted to use a module that could improve the process of takeaway orders, especially during the busy holidays. We always want to offer our customers the best possible way of ordering food, and this can be done with an online ordering system with simple data processing. Customers are referred via Facebook, Instagram or email to our website where a form is ready to be filled in. The customers fill in all the data themselves, no more chaos due to orders that come in via mail or telephone.

Rock-Fort about the TakeAway Tool of Little Restaurant

What are the most important advantages of the TakeAway Tool?

Ordering online is much easier for the customer and we also save time when processing the data. We do not need to make phone calls or type emails! In just 3 clicks, the customer places the order online and immediately receives the confirmation email.

Rock-Fort about the TakeAway Tool of Little Restaurant
"Ordering online is much easier now, customers can order online in less than a minute"

Peter, Rock-Fort

Are you satisfied with the TakeAway Tool and do you already see results?

We are very satisfied with the ease of use of the tool. Customers can easily order online and the follow-up of orders is perfect. We also like the layout of the tool and the possibility to add our look & feel. For the time being, we only used the tool for our Christmas menu, so we have recently deactivated the module again. The TakeAway tool is a very useful function when you want to spoil your customers during busy periods.

Want to try out the Little Restaurant TakeAway Tool yourself?

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