eBook: Optimize your hotel website.

Most travellers will start looking for an overnight stay online. This is why online appearance has become as important as physical appearance. First impression counts, the customer journey starts when a possible visitor looks up your hotel or B&B for the first time.

October 27, 2021

That’s why we’ve created an eBook that shows you how you can create a strong website in order to ensure a great first impression of your accommodation. In this eBook, you’ll find some general tips on how to create a good website for your hotel or B&B.  

eBook: Optimize your hotel website.

In this eBook

  • You find a useful checklist to tweak your hotel website into perfection.
  • We explain the real advantages of template websites
  • You get inspiring examples of great hotel websites.

* This eBook is written in English.

A good website for your hotel or B&B is a crucial part of your direct booking strategy. Read our practical tips and have a look at some inspiring examples to get started right away, the download is free.

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